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Image by Cameron Smith


Creating a Wildlife-Friendly Habitat in Your Yard

Creating a wildlife friendly habitat to your backyard naturally is both rewarding and very easy. It can be extremely fun watching native birds flitting about the garden feeding on insects and flowers or listening to the croaking of frogs before the summer rains.

Anyway, it is vital to create natural habitats with native foods to encourage wildlife. Feeding animals by hand from dishes and feeders can create many headaches for you and your neighbours and spread disease amongst animals.

To create a wildlife friendly backyard that has both regular wildlife and resident fauna species you need to add some of the essential habit features that animals would need and look for in natural bushland atmosphere.

These contain a permanent source of water, and chances for foraging with ample natural food resources throughout the year. Shelter, protection from the weather and opportunities for breeding and raining young blood also need to be accessible.

By incorporating a mixture of these resources and by utilising some of the following techniques you can significantly raise the habitat opportunities and value of your backyard for native local wildlife species.

How to create wildlife friendly habitat to your backyard

Plant a tree

A well-picked shrub or tree will give shelter and food for many species, from little insects to big mammals and birds. Even the little backyard or garden can generally accommodate a little tree or big shrub – after all, the amazing thing about a tree is that it goes upward, not necessarily outward. Trees can also be the focus for wildlife friendly habitat additions to the garden such as nesting boxes, hanging feeders, and birdhouses.

Many shrubs and trees are mainly bred to grow well in containers and pots.

Let the grass grow

Long grass is a remarkable habitat for many insects and plants. These may not be the wildest species – although you never know what may begin to colonize after a few years – but long grass is a versatile jungle, providing shelter and food for many insects, from butterfly caterpillars and moth to crickets and beetles. Leave the grass to get taller, and the daises and clovers to grow and flower.

wildlife friendly habitat
wildlife friendly habitat

Supply shelters

Wildlife needs safe areas to hide from predators or looking for shelter from the elements. The following are vital components of a backyard wildlife habitat:

·         Shrubs

·         Mature trees

·         Rock piles

·         Thickets

·         Ponds

·         Brush piles

·         Burrows

Man-made birdhouses and other nesting boxes can also include to the shelter. Adding at least 2 sources of shelter to the garden will help you earn habitat certification.

Take a break from weeding

It can be difficult to let things go, but learn to relax about weeds to build an excellent wildlife and bird habitat. Weeds are some of the top wildlife-friendly habitat plants that are. Daises, nettles, and buttercups, among others, are vital sources of food for many insects, including mouths and butterflies.

One of the reasons for this is that they are so constant, flowering readily and for a long time, no reason the weather, providing much-required food when other plants are not.

Connected backyards and wildlife corridors

When designing your backyard habitat or picking where to plant any new plants consider any opportunities to connect your garden or habitat to adjoining or neighbouring gardens and/or bushland vegetation, to create a bigger area of habitat and to form vegetated corridors through urban areas.

By connecting gardens and vegetation urban areas we can link front yards, backyards, parks, drainage reserves, and bushland to create vegetated corridors and stepping stones. These links and corridors will help a range of wildlife species to move between bigger bushland areas and will also increase roosting, foraging, and nesting opportunities.

·         Before getting started on your wildlife habitat backyard, check with neighbors and call your local planning department to be sure any changes you make to your backyard are permissible. Unluckily, many suburban developments discourage nay departures from the typical mowed lawn with a few shrubs.

·         Before setting out nesting houses or feeders, find out what species area common in your area and can be encouraged to nest in your yard. Buy or make a birdhouse mainly designed for the bird you want to attract. The size of the entry hole is important to stop the eggs and young from being damaged by bigger birds – forever check a list of right hole sizes.

·         Locate birdhouses, birdfeeders, and birdbaths near cover. Birds need escape routes, mainly from cats. Overhanging branches from nearby trees are perfect. Feeders should be at least 6 to 7 off the ground, and many feet from any tree trunks to discourage squirrels.



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