Media Preparation: The Key to a Successful Application
Before applying an epoxy coating, rigorous preparation of the support is essential. This generally includes:
· Deep cleaning: The support (concrete, wood, metal) must be free of any traces of grease, oil, dust or paint.
· Repair of defects: Cracks, holes and other imperfections must be repaired.
· Sanding: To ensure good adhesion, the substrate must be sanded.
· Degreasing: A specific degreaser is often used to remove the last traces of contaminants.
Chem-Tec: A Reference in the Field of Epoxy
Chem-Tec is a brand recognized for the quality of its epoxy resins. Its products are appreciated for their strength, durability and ease of application. They offer a wide range of products suitable for different types of projects and media.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Epoxy Coating
· Durability: Extremely resistant to wear, impact, chemicals and humidity.
· Aesthetics: Glossy, customizable finish, offering a wide choice of colors and effects.
· Hygiene: Non-porous surface, easy to clean and disinfect.
· Real Estate Valuation: Epoxy coating can increase the value of real estate.
· Cost: Installing epoxy coating can be a significant investment.
· Technical application: The application requires certain expertise and specific equipment.
· Drying time: Complete drying time may be relatively long.
Where to Install Epoxy Coating?
Epoxy coatings can be applied to many surfaces, both interior and exterior:
· Floors: Garages, cellars, workshops, kitchens, bathrooms.
· Walls: Bathrooms, kitchens, basements.
· Furniture: Worktops, tables.
· Industrial floors: Warehouses, factories.
The Different Types of Epoxy Resins
There are different types of epoxy resins, each with its own characteristics:
· Transparent epoxy resins: Ideal for highlighting the natural color of the support.
· Colored Epoxy Resins: Available in a multitude of shades.
· Special effect epoxy resins: With glitter, flakes or inclusions for a personalized effect.
Necessary Tools for Application
To apply an epoxy coating you will need:
· Rollers: For uniform application.
· Brushes: For finishes and angles.
· Spatula: To mix the components and smooth the surface.
· Masking tape: To demarcate the areas to be protected.
· Grinder: For sanding.
Precautions to Take
· Ventilation: Work in a well-ventilated area, wearing a protective mask.
· Gloves and goggles: Protect your hands and eyes from chemicals.
· Temperature: Ambient temperature should be between 15°C and 25°C.
· Humidity: Avoid applying epoxy in humid weather.
Average Rates
The cost of an epoxy coating varies depending on several factors:
· Area to be treated: The larger the area, the higher the cost.
· Resin type: Specialty resins (special effects, high strength) are generally more expensive.
· Substrate preparation: Careful preparation can increase the cost.
· Labor: The cost of professional labor can vary greatly by region.
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